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This is an example of how to use and create a basic GUI. This example shows how to initialize a GUI class with methods for painting and mouse interractions and attributes.

* Cream Library
* Copyright (C) 2013 Pierre Guillot, CICM - Université Paris 8
* All rights reserved.
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* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
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// c.bang.cpp
// This is an example of how to use and create a basic GUI.
// This example shows how to initialize a GUI class with methods for painting and mouse interractions and attributes.
// This header includes cicm_wrapped.h
#include "../c.library.h"
/*//////////////////////////////////// STRUCTURE ////////////////////////////////////*/
// The GUI bang structure.
// It is a basic GUI struture with attributes and basic Pd stuffs.
typedef struct t_bang
// The t_ebox that allows to create a GUI.
// The t_outlet of the object.
// The struture for the t_eattr background color.
// The struture for the t_eattr border color.
// The struture for the t_eattr bang color.
// The t_clock of the object.
// If the object is performming a bang.
char b_active;
static void *bang_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv);
static void bang_free(t_bang *x);
static void bang_activate(t_bang *x);
static void bang_deactivate(t_bang *x);
static void bang_anything(t_bang *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv);
static void bang_getdrawparams(t_bang *x, t_object *view, t_edrawparams *params);
static void bang_oksize(t_bang *x, t_rect *newrect);
static void bang_paint(t_bang *x, t_object *view);
static void bang_mousedown(t_bang *x, t_object *view, t_pt pt, long modifiers);
static void bang_mouseup(t_bang *x, t_object *view, t_pt pt, long modifiers);
/*//////////////////////////////////// CLASS INITIALIZATION ////////////////////////////////////*/
// The t_eclass for the t_bang.
// The "background_layer" t_symbol.
// Setups the bang_class for GUI behavior.
// This function is called by Pd to initialize the bang_class of the c.bang object. In the function,
// you should set up the default methods, behaviors and attributes of your object. If your object's name is simple like
// "bang", this function should be named "bang_setup" otherwise, if your object's name is more complex like "c.bang" the
// function's name should replace the special character with the matching UTF8-hexadecimal value and put "setup" before the name
// of the object. In this example, the dot is replaced with "0x2e" and the function name becomes "setup_c0x2ebang".
extern "C" void setup_c0x2ebang(void)
// We creates a new t_eclass for the t_bang structure.
// You should use this method for all the objects that uses either the t_eobj, t_edspobj, t_ebox or t_edspbox structure.
// First argument is the name of the object. Second argument is the new method of the object. Third argument is the free method
// of the object (if you only have to call eobj_free, ebox_free or eobj_dspfree you can directly use this methods. Fourth
// argument is the size of the structure. Fifth argument is the type of the object (you should use CLASS_DEFAULT for every
// patchable object or CLASS_NOINLET if you don't want a default first inlet, CLASS_PD should be used for no patchable object).
// Sixth argument is the kind parameters you creation method is excepting (for GUI, you should always use A_GIMME to be able
// to parse attributes. The last argument is dummy and should always be zero for the moment.
t_eclass *c = eclass_new("c.bang", (method)bang_new, (method)bang_free, (short)sizeof(t_bang), CLASS_DEFAULT, A_GIMME, 0);
// We initialize the defaults attributes and methods for the GUI.
// We initialize of the specifics methods that the t_bang can receive. The "paint", "getdrawparams" and "oksize" names
// are for the graphical methods ("getdrawparams" and "oksize" are optional but facilitates the setting of GUI.
// The "mousedown" and "mouseup" are for the mouse interraction.
// The other are the default message that a native Pd object can receive through an inlet.
eclass_addmethod(c, (method) bang_paint, "paint", A_NULL, 0);
eclass_addmethod(c, (method) bang_getdrawparams, "getdrawparams", A_NULL, 0);
eclass_addmethod(c, (method) bang_oksize, "oksize", A_NULL, 0);
eclass_addmethod(c, (method) bang_anything, "float", A_FLOAT,0);
eclass_addmethod(c, (method) bang_anything, "bang", A_NULL, 0);
eclass_addmethod(c, (method) bang_anything, "list", A_GIMME,0);
eclass_addmethod(c, (method) bang_anything, "anything", A_GIMME,0);
eclass_addmethod(c, (method) bang_mousedown, "mousedown", A_NULL, 0);
eclass_addmethod(c, (method) bang_mouseup, "mouseup", A_NULL, 0);
// We intialize the attribute of the t_bang.
// All the GUI classes has font attributes but we don't need them for the bang classe so we mark them invisible.
CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE (c, "fontname", 1);
CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE (c, "fontweight", 1);
CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE (c, "fontslant", 1);
CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE (c, "fontsize", 1);
// All the GUI classes has a size attribute, we just set up the default value.
CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT (c, "size", 0, "16. 16.");
// We create a new t_rgba attribute that refers to the b_color_background member of the t_bang and that will match to
// "bgcolor". The user will be able to change the background color with the "bgcolor" message.
CLASS_ATTR_RGBA (c, "bgcolor", 0, t_bang, b_color_background);
// We set up the label that will be displayed in the properties window of the object for the attribute.
CLASS_ATTR_LABEL (c, "bgcolor", 0, "Background Color");
// We set up the order of the attribute in the properties window (this is unused for the moment).
CLASS_ATTR_ORDER (c, "bgcolor", 0, "1");
// We set up the the default value of the color. This macro also defines that the attribute will automatically call ebox_redraw when its value has changed and that its value will be saved with the patcher.
CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT (c, "bgcolor", 0, "0.75 0.75 0.75 1.");
// We set up the that the attribute should be displayed as a color slector in the properties window.
CLASS_ATTR_STYLE (c, "bgcolor", 0, "color");
// We do the same thing for the border color and the bang color.
CLASS_ATTR_RGBA (c, "bdcolor", 0, t_bang, b_color_border);
CLASS_ATTR_LABEL (c, "bdcolor", 0, "Border Color");
CLASS_ATTR_ORDER (c, "bdcolor", 0, "2");
CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT (c, "bdcolor", 0, "0.5 0.5 0.5 1.");
CLASS_ATTR_STYLE (c, "bdcolor", 0, "color");
CLASS_ATTR_RGBA (c, "bacolor", 0, t_bang, b_color_bang);
CLASS_ATTR_LABEL (c, "bacolor", 0, "Bang Color");
CLASS_ATTR_ORDER (c, "bacolor", 0, "3");
CLASS_ATTR_DEFAULT_SAVE_PAINT (c, "bacolor", 0, "0. 0. 0. 1.");
CLASS_ATTR_STYLE (c, "bacolor", 0, "color");
// We register the class. This function is important it will set up some dsp members if needs and the properties window
// if the class has attributes. The CLASS_BOX is for GUI otherwise use CLASS_OBJ this is pretty useless but it ensures
// compatibilty with Max.
// We initialize bang_class with c. This is important because we use the adress of bang_class in the new method.
bang_class = c;
// We save the adress of the "background_layer" symbol to avoid the multiple call of the function.
bang_sym_background_layer = gensym("background_layer");
/*//////////////////////////////////// OBJECT CREATION AND DELETION ////////////////////////////////////*/
// Allocates and initializes the t_bang structure.
// The function uses eobj_new to allocate the t_bang with the bang_class and initializes the default values.
static void *bang_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
// We calls eobj_new with the bang_class to allocate the memory for the t_bang and to initialize some default values
// and methods.
t_bang *x = (t_bang *)eobj_new(bang_class);
// We transform the array of t_atoms into a t_binbuf. You can alos use directly the array of t_atoms but you should prefer
// to use a t_binbuf to increases the compatibilty with Max that use the it's counterpart t_dictionnary.
t_binbuf* d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv);
if(x && d)
// We initialize the defaults members of the t_ebox. EBOX_GROWLINK mark that the width and the height of the
// object are linked. The method also initializes the attributes with their defaults values.
// We allocate and intialize a new outlet that we send only bang message.
// We sets that the t_bang is currently inactive.
x->b_active = 0;
// We initialize a new t_clock to make the object blink few ms when it received a message. We usually define a
// specific tick_method but here we can use the bang_deactivate method.
// We parse the t_binbuf to initialize the values of the attributes. You can also use ebox_attrprocess_viatoms but you
// should prefer this method.
// Indicates that the t_ebox can be drawn.
// Returns the t_bang
return (x);
// Frees the t_bang structure.
// The function just calls ebox_free() and frees the t_clock.
static void bang_free(t_bang *x)
// We free the t_ebox, it will detach the graphical interface from Tcl/Tk
// We free the t_clock
/*//////////////////////////////////// OBJECT GRAPHICAL METHODS ////////////////////////////////////*/
// Defines the default graphical parameters of a GUI.
// The function is used to defines the border size, the border size (dummy mostly for Max compatibility)
// the border color and the background color of a t_ebox.
static void bang_getdrawparams(t_bang *x, t_object *view, t_edrawparams *params)
// We define a border size of 2 px.
params->d_borderthickness = 2;
// We define a corner size of 2 px (dummy).
params->d_cornersize = 2;
// We define the border color with our border attribute color.
// We define the background color with our border attribute color. The background color will be used when the
// t_bang is inactive to draw the circle.
// Defines and validates the size of a GUI.
// The function is validate the new size of a GUI. It can be used to restrict the size.
static void bang_oksize(t_bang *x, t_rect *newrect)
// We defines a minimum height and width of 15 px.
newrect->width = pd_clip_min(newrect->width, 15.);
newrect->height = pd_clip_min(newrect->height, 15.);
// We defines that the width and the height can't be an even number (to center the bang circle).
if((int)newrect->width % 2 == 0)
if((int)newrect->height % 2 == 0)
// Paints the t_ebox.
// The function is called internally when the t_ebox should be repainted. This is where you should draw all the stuffs
// you want.
static void bang_paint(t_bang *x, t_object *view)
float size;
t_rect rect;
// We defines a initialize a t_rect with the size of the t_ebox.
// We ask to retrieves the background t_elayer with a that has the size of the t_ebox. This layer will be binded to the t_ebox
// with the t_symbol bang_sym_background_layer aka \"background_layer\". You should always prefer to use static t_symbol to
// avoid to call gensym function.
t_elayer *g = ebox_start_layer((t_ebox *)x, bang_sym_background_layer, rect.width, rect.height);
// If it is a new t_elayer or if the layer has been ivalidated we can draw something in it, otherwise the pointer is NULL.
size = rect.width * 0.5;
// We set up the bang color is the t_bang is currently active.
// Otherwise we use the background color.
// We add a circle at the center the t_elayer.
egraphics_circle(g, floor(size + 0.5), floor(size + 0.5), size * 0.9);
// We fill the t_elayer with the drawing.
// We mark the layer as ready to be painted.
ebox_end_layer((t_ebox*)x, bang_sym_background_layer);
// We tell the t_ebox to painted the \"background_layer\" layer at the 0 0 position. If the t_elayer was invalid or new
// that means that we have drawn something new in it, otherwise t_ebox paint the t_elayer like it was before.
ebox_paint_layer((t_ebox *)x, bang_sym_background_layer, 0., 0.);
/*//////////////////////////////////// OBJECT MOUSE INTERRACTIONS ////////////////////////////////////*/
// Activates the status of the t_bang.
// The function activates the status of the t_bang. Outputs a bang message, sends a bang to the attached objects and ask the t_ebox
// to be redrawn
static void bang_activate(t_bang *x)
// We mark the bang as active.
x->b_active = 1;
// We send a bang through our outlet.
// We retrieves the link list of object attached to the t_bang.
t_pd* senders = ebox_getsender((t_ebox *) x);
// If we have a link list we send a bang to the object.
// All the GUI has send and receive t_symbol attributes to send and receive messages without connections.
// We invalidate the background layer.
ebox_invalidate_layer((t_ebox *)x, bang_sym_background_layer);
// We aks the t_ebox to redraw the object.
// Deactivates the status of the t_bang.
// The function deactiveates the status of the t_bang and ask the t_ebox to be redrawn
static void bang_deactivate(t_bang *x)
// We mark the bang as inactive.
x->b_active = 0;
// We invalidate the background layer.
ebox_invalidate_layer((t_ebox *)x, bang_sym_background_layer);
// We aks the t_ebox to redraw the object.
// Receives the mouse down notification..
// The function is called internally when the object has been clicked.
static void bang_mousedown(t_bang *x, t_object *view, t_pt pt, long modifiers)
// In this example, when the mouse down is called we activate the t_bang.
// Receives the mouse up notification..
// The function is called internally when the mouse has been released from the object.
static void bang_mouseup(t_bang *x, t_object *view, t_pt pt, long modifiers)
// In this example, when the mouse down is called we deactivate the t_bang.
/*//////////////////////////////////// OBJECT MESSAGES RECEPTION ////////////////////////////////////*/
// Receives anything.
// The function is called when any message has been received from the inlet.
static void bang_anything(t_bang *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
// When we receive any message we activate the t_bang
// then delay the clock of 100ms to deactivate the t_bang
clock_delay(x->b_clock, 100);
// thus the object will blink.