A wrapper for Pure Data
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Sources Directory Reference


file  cicm_wrapper.h [code]
file  ebox.c
file  ebox.h [code]
file  eclass.c
file  eclass.h [code]
 The header that declares all the methods for the t_ebox.
file  ecommon.c
file  ecommon.h [code]
 The header that declares all the common methods.
file  edefine.h [code]
 The header that contains all the principals structures of CicmWrapper.
file  egraphics.c
file  egraphics.h [code]
file  eobj.c
file  eobj.h [code]
 The header that declares all the methods for the t_ebox.
file  epdmax.h [code]
file  epopup.c
file  epopup.h [code]
 The header that declares all the methods for the t_epopup.